Our Unit

Killaloe Coast Guard Unit is located at the entrance to Lough Derg on the river Shannon. The Unit is comprised of 23 volunteers who are on call 24 hours 365 Days a year. Volunteers are alerted through a paging system. The Irish Coast Guard is a part of the 999/112 emergency system. The Killaloe Coast Guard Unit is one of 44 similar teams located at regular intervals Inland and around the Irish Coastline, The Coastal units of the Coast Guard participate in Cliff/Marine Rescue, Search, Recovery and Pollution Monitoring. Presently we do not have an enforcement function. For an overview of the Irish Coast guard (IRCG) please visit the official page at Irish Coast Guard .

Members gain externally accredited qualifications in a range of skills, such as Advanced Boat Handling, First Aid, VHF Radio Operation, Navigation, Water & Land Search Management, Drone Pilot and Sea Survival.